WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS - how to make an ASCII file
Step 1 - Create the ASCII text file from Word Perfect 5.1
- From WordPerfect 5.1, open your finished document.
- Press Shift F7 (Print).
- Press (S)elect Printer. Choose DOS TEXT PRINTER from the list.
Note: if that printer is not on your list, you can install it by doing a WordPerfect Install (use your original WordPerfect diskettes), Minimum install, update printer driver only.
- Press (E)dit (P)ort (O)ther, then enter a unique filename for the new ascii text file.
( Use the file name "C:\sample.prn" while you are learning.
- Press ZERO to go back to the previous screen, then press (S)elect, (F)ull Document.
- A new copy of your document will be converted to ASCII TEXT and written to a new file.
Step 2 - Open the ASCII text file in ProEDIT - Verify the Conversion
Clean up the ASCII file: add missing page breaks, fix Title Pages, etc.
- Start ProEDIT by pressing "Start", "Programs", ("PROTEXT" or "ETSPRO"), then "ProEDIT".
- Select "File", "Open" and select the ASCII TEXT file which you created (above).
(Type "C:\sample.prn" in the "File name" box if you used our filename suggestion above)
- Visually inspect and clean up the document, inserting Page Breaks if needed.
There MUST be a PAGE BREAK at the bottom of EVERY PAGE in the document!
- Select "File", "Save", and exit ProEDIT.
- Note: You can enable ProEDIT "Options", "Run ProTEXT on Exit".
to automatically open your file in ProTEXT!
Step 3 - Open the ASCII text file in ProTEXT
Run ProTEXT (the condensing program)
- Start ProTEXT by pressing "Start", ("PROTEXT" or "ETSPRO"), then "ProTEXT".
- Select "File", then "Open" and select the ASCII TEXT file which you created.
(Type "C:\sample.prn" in the "File name" box if you used our filename suggestion above)
- Select "File", then "Print" to Print your Condensed Transcript.
- Proceed to "Run ProDEX" (or you can enable "Options", "Run ProDEX on Exit").
Run ProDEX (the keyword indexing program)
- Start ProDEX by pressing "Start", "Programs", ("PROTEXT" or "ETSPRO"), then "ProDEX".
- Select "File", then "Make an Index" and select the ASCII TEXT file which you created.
- Select "File", then "Print an Index" to Print your Word Index.
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